Bydey joins Daaanty on The Spoiler Log to discuss his gaming history growing up, his travels around the globe, and how he found speedrunning. He also shares the numerous games he's done speedruns for, his mindset how he approaches this and other games, and how he applies that mindset to all his hobbies.
Follow Bydey on Twitch at:
DapperWormMan joins Daaanty to discuss his gaming history growing up, his hobbies and passion projects through college, and how in depth his day job...
crossproduct joins Daaanty to discuss his gaming history, life experiences, and experiences with ALTTPR. Follow crossproduct on Twitch at:
Acktheboker joins Daaanty to discuss his introduction into Rando, his cursed Super Nintendo, actions that led to the formation of the Racing Council, and...