feasel joins Daaanty on The Spoiler Log to discuss how games were involved in his childhood, how he got involved in speedrunning, and his involvement with Games Done Quick. He also discusses how SpeedGaming came to be, the staff that make it all possible, how SpeedGamingLive was formed, and his vision for the future of the event.
Follow feasel and Speedgaming on twitch at: https://www.twitch.tv/feasel and https://www.twitch.tv/SpeedGaming
SpeedGaming Live Info: https://sglive.speedgaming.org/
Runil (GMP Mentor Tournament 2023 Master Sword Bracket Winner) and TDK (GMP Mentor Tournament 2023 Fighter Sword Bracket Winner) join Daaanty to discuss how...
Daaanty speaks to multiple people in the community about their Day 3 at SGL 2023 in Herndon, VA.
Daaanty chats with the ALTTPR League Invitational Season 6 Champions, To Infinity and Pgog. willwc, relkin and humbugh discuss their season and the events...