bressingham joins Daaanty to discuss what games he played growing up, how Pokemon was influential on him early on, and how the GBA Metroid games paved the way for him to have Super Metroid leave a lasting impression on him. He also discusses how he found randomizers, his ALTTPR experiences, and what he feels is most important about playing randomizers.
Follow bressingham on twitch at:
feasel joins Daaanty on The Spoiler Log to discuss how games were involved in his childhood, how he got involved in speedrunning, and his...
Tylersalt joins Daaanty to discuss how he got into randomizer, his experiences through various tournaments in the community, how the salt runs through his...
Daaanty brings in Eriror, Humbugh, and ScottishBrave to discuss all the pressures that come from playing ALTTPR competitively. We genuinely hope this episode can...